Master Your Immune Challenge




This is a program for Immune Compromised Adults and who are ready to uncover the wonderful person they have become, are becoming or will become.  Many Immune Compromised Adults lose themselves and their passion for life.  This is specifically designed for Immune Compromised Adults who are ready to rediscover who they truly are despite their circumstances.   To break through social programming, limited self-beliefs, shame, guilt, and suicidal thoughts while replacing isolation with support. By developing skillsets and building confidence by assisting other Immune Compromised Adults to develop their struggles into success by sharing their stories in his or her own authentic way.

Course Contract-Best the best person that you can be by respecting all opinions, ideas, religions, cultures, beliefs, and stories.  Every person’s story and journey are valid and credible.  Leave your ego at the door to let your eagle soar!

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn the importance of carving out time for your passion and interests
  2. Find your voice through setting goals.
  3. Becoming a mindful researcher and research best practices to live a cleaner life.
  4. Create own products, recipes, and love books that all assist in living cleaner and authentically.
  5. Becoming empowered to reconnect to self and raise your vibration in order to speak your truth and tell your story.


This is a coaching program, not a medical program. Know that this is not a site for medical advice because it is not instructed by an instructor with medical credentials.  We are in this program to share experiences and support each other.

Suggested Readings: Brene Brown “Rising Strong,” Martha Beck “Guided by Starlight,” Byron Katie “The One.”

Mentor: Jessica Mixon

Designer: Jessica Mixon


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