Practical Academic’s unifying goal is to increase participant engagement. After all, only engaged participants learn and grow. We do this with the power of interactive learning experiences and quality relationships using an Organizational Learning Model, which includes selected cross-training and soft skills initiatives.

Why? The Bottom Line

  1. Increase reputation and referrals. Customers gravitate to educated and empowered employees because they are easier to work with and know they can get things done.
  2. Expense Reduction.  Staff who know how things work, get things done more quickly and efficiently. This is an energy booster for the entire organization.
  3. Talent Attraction. Learning organizations attract and retain top talent as top talent is attracted to organizations where they can keep current (and successful!) in their profession.

Our programs emphasize interactivity, and our goals are to provide our participants with three primary values: 1) transformative growth, 2) practical knowledge, skills, and perspective growth, and 3) an enjoyable and enlightening learning experience.

Our program model combines the following key design elements:

  • Personalized – We incorporate and address participant needs and goals in how we design and manage our programs. This can include one-on-one coaching for intake and assessment.
  • Mentored Small Group – Mentors include SMEs, coaches, teachers, and thought leaders; and with organizations can be trainers and managers, etc.  We are limiting groups to six members, so everyone gets attention and creative and accountability support. It’s also online, so six is both practical within the limitations of video classes and is a viable number in small group communications theory.
  • Blended learning – we combine self-study (asynchronous) with real-time (synchronous) meetings. These are online, but we can and will support in-person sessions. Clients do the self-study on their own to optimize the in-person sessions allowing complex communications, more interactivity, and project work.
  • Interactive curriculum – participants work with the material in an interactive application appropriate to the curriculum and learning outcomes (discussions, case-based, project-based, role plays, gamification, fictionalization).

To preview an example of this model, check out the Choose Your Mission Career Development Series, and contact us for a more in-depth exploration.

Fundamental theories supporting our model include:

  • Andragogy – Adult learners are autonomous; they must ‘opt in’ to the learning, so the learning must provide tangible benefits to each participant and be engaging/enjoyable. Honor and encourage autonomy.
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy – Using new learnings in practical and interactive projects deepens mastery. Interactive Learning Experiences are also a whole lot more fun!
  • Constructivism – Knowledge (skills, perspectives) is constructed in a layered fashion, progressively built on prior knowledge and experience.

Our promise is that these are the highest quality learning experiences available and that participants’ lives will be significantly transformed by the programs and relationships. It’s trust and the quality of relationships that make the difference in participants’ ability to take risks, change, and grow.

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