Chops Academy
The hallmark of professional excellence is Situational awareness and leadership. This means the ability to make the best choices for new and unique situations in the moment. This takes expertise, emotional intelligence, and balanced awareness. Chops are an improviser’s expression of mastery.
The Chops Academy is a platform for the development of professional skills, soft skills, and for ongoing professional development communities. Mentors are respected leaders in their fields and provide ongoing education and updates on their fields to their member practitioners. The degree will get you the job, but you’ll need chops to thrive.
Program Marketing

Organizations and individual educators who want to develop a targeted marketing plan or their education and development programs.
By developing a marketing plan you greatly increase your ability to generate revenue for your programs.
You will complete a market and competitive analysis to determine your offer, then define your messaging and media strategy.
This program moves you to take control of your offer and get it to market, generating revenue for your program.
Jennifer Stringer
Jennifer has over 15 years of experience as an Education Marketer. Jennifer is passionate and providing meaningful and lasting learning experiences.

Platform Director

Michael Freedman
Platform Director
The Chops Academy Blog
Online Meeting Best Practices
The advantages of online meetings are to save travel time, convenience, and flexibility while retaining or augmenting the benefits of group interactivity. For interactivity, we need engagement; for engagement, we need...